Question 1 What size $A$ must have for the multiplication to be possible ? $n\times4$ $4\times4$ $1\times4$ $1\times4$
Question 3 What is $C$ equal to ? $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} -2 & 6 & -1 \\ -15 & -7 & 4 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & -4 & -2 \\ -5 & 0 & -9 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & 6 & 0 \\ 3 & -2 & -3 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 11 & 9 & 3 \\ -3 & 5 & 12 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$
Question 4 How is the matrix $E$ called ? null matrix diagonal matrix orthogonal matrix identity matrix
Question 5 Which equation is equivalent to this one ? $T(A + B)=CT$ $(A + BT)=CT$ $AT + BT=CT$ $TA + B=CT$
Question 6 What is $L$ equal to ? $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & 6 & 20 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & 10 & -20 \\ 0 & 6 & -12 \\ 0 & -10 & 20 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 6 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 20 \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ $\{\}$